Google released election search trend page in Pakistan

Google released election search trend page in Pakistan

This page provides information on questions, topics and interests of the parties participating in the elections / file photo

With the general elections on February 8, 2024, a large number of Pakistanis will look online for information about political parties, their nominees and other relevant topics to help them in the electoral process.

For the purpose of easy access to this data to the media and the public, Google has introduced a page called 'Google Trends Pakistan General Election' which contains questions, topics about the parties participating in the elections. and offers information about interests.

This page includes data on the top election topics searched for in each part of the country, such as the economy, taxes and wages.

All the charts on the Google Trends page can be embedded on any website where they will be automatically updated.

It should be noted that this page, introduced in Pakistan by Google Trends, is not a survey of any kind regarding the general elections, nor does it show voting trends.

This page simply shows people's interest and searches for specific topics locally over time. A rise in a particular question does not reflect that a political party is in any sense 'more popular' or 'winning'.

Visit the Google News Initiative's website for more information and to get the most out of the Trends page.

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