Rumors of separation of Sana Javed and Umair Jaswal gained momentum

Rumors of separation of Sana Javed and Umair Jaswal gained momentum

Rumors of separation between the two surfaced when Sana and Umeer removed the pictures taken together from Instagram. Photo: Social Media

Rumors of divorce between another couple of Pakistan showbiz industry gained momentum on social media.

Several showbiz news pages on the photo and video sharing application Instagram have mentioned rumors of a divorce between the two.

Rumors of separation between the two surfaced when Sana and Umeer removed the pictures of each other from Instagram.

These pictures include wedding pictures, the couple had previously shared several pictures which are no longer on their account.

Apart from this, if we talk about the following of both, then both the actress and the singer have followed each other on Instagram, which can be estimated from this screenshot.

Photo: Screenshot/Sana Javed

Photo: Screenshot/Umeer Jaswal

On social media, both critics and fans are commenting on the married life and relationship of the actor couple, but Sana Javed and Umeer Jaswal have not yet confirmed these rumors as true or false.

It is also worth mentioning here that these rumors are being discussed on social media for the past several days.

It should be noted that actress Sana Javed and singer Umeer Jaswal got married in a private ceremony in October 2020 during Covid, which was attended by a few friends and relatives.

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