Mayor Karachi's announcement to conduct a fire safety audit of the city's commercial buildings

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Mayor Karachi Murtaza Wahab has announced to conduct a fire safety audit of the city's commercial buildings.

In a statement, Mayor Karachi said that three teams have been formed for fire safety audit. In the first phase, the buildings on Shaara Faisal, II Chandrigar Road and Tariq Road will be audited. It will be seen which buildings have fire safety. Is there a system or not?

Mayor Karachi said that it has been observed that many big commercial buildings do not have emergency exit routes, KMC staff will inspect all the big buildings in these areas, the management of the buildings which have emergency exit routes should clarify them.

Murtaza Wahab said that according to the law, it is mandatory to have a fire safety system and an emergency exit in big buildings, if there is no fire safety system and an emergency exit in the building, legal action will be taken. Collaborate with MC staff of management and owners.