Humans and other mammals will disappear from the world in 250 million years, researchers

Humans and other mammals will disappear from the world in 250 million years, researchers

CLIMATE CHANGE/picture courtesy sama

The whole world and especially Pakistan is badly affected by climate change

The temperature is gradually increasing due to climate change all over the world. Meanwhile, new reports of scientists are also coming out in this regard.

The whole world and especially Pakistan is being badly affected by climate change. Because Pakistan is among the 10 countries affected by climate change.

In view of the rising global temperature, a study conducted by American researchers has warned that humans and other mammals will disappear from the world on a large scale due to global warming.

According to global media reports, the study has indicated that humans and other animals will become extinct in 250 million years due to global warming. The study highlighted the effects of the deadly combination of the sun's dangerous radiation rays and carbon dioxide. , which illustrates the importance of surface gases and temperatures in estimating any planet's habitability.

According to the research, the extraordinary warming will lead to a mass extinction in the next 250 million years. Its destruction will be as big as when the dinosaurs died out.

New research presents supercomputerized models of climate in the far future and shows that when all the world's continents merge into one, climate extremes will become dangerous and the Earth will become dry and largely uninhabitable.

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